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Church Planting

Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

This is the church’s great commission. This happens in local churches where discipleship occurs in the context of the diversity and unity of the body dynamic. To disciple nations, there must be churches to do that work.

Purpose Statment

The purpose of the 3535 Foundation’s church planting efforts is to support the work of church planting financially. The 3535 Foundation itself does not do the work of church planting. However, it is undertaken, led, and executed by local churches working either independently or cooperating with other local churches to plant churches where there is a definite need. The 3535 Foundation will support such efforts as opportunities arise.


Church planting is the work of a church to establish churches where there is a definite need. Only local churches can apply for funds; church planters cannot be independently funded apart from a sending church. Church plants will receive funds when they are constituted and ready to receive funds; in the interim, all funds are sent to the sending church and distributed at their discretion. Funds for church planting will be considered only when the request meets the below requirements.

1st Step: Application for Funds

A local church requesting funds must send a detailed plan and proposal for church planting in a particular area. A thorough plan should include:

  • The area’s location (city, state, country) and population.
  • A list of other churches in the area, a note of any churches that may be of like mind, and a viable reason for planting a similar church.
  • The name(s) of the church planter(s), contact information, brief testimony of faith, a biographical sketch of their church membership history, current church membership, names and contact information of the elders of the planting/sending church, education, family information, and details of their (the sending church and the planters) confessional subscription especially any exceptions to the 1689LBC.
  • The proposal portion must include a 5-year plan that includes step-by-step procedures regarding the actual work of church planting. i.e., where will you meet, how will you advertise the church, evangelism plans, and a coherent strategy of using the ordinary means of grace to do the work of discipleship.
  • The budget portion of the proposal should include the names of all supporting churches and an exact amount of how much the church is requesting from the foundation—as well as a copy of the business meeting notes where the congregation voted on the church plant.

When the 3535 Foundation board has received all the information required, the board will consider the request at a regularly scheduled board meeting. Notice of the board’s decision to terminate the request, ask for clarifications or revisions, or to continue the process will be given within 1-3 months of reception.

2nd Step: Interviews

If the 3535 Foundation board approves the plan and proposal, the interview process will include a meeting (either in person or online) where the board will ask clarifying questions about the plans and purposes of the church. In this interview, more doctrinal and practical clarifications will also be discussed. These interviews will primarily be done to determine three things.

  • Is the sending church devoted to the work, and are they willing to support the mission and the church planter(s) to whatever degree they can?
  • Establish the need and determine whether a compelling case exists to expend effort and resources for the endeavor.
  • Determine the doctrinal convictions of the church and church planter, their level of confessional subscription, and their adherence to the regulative principle of worship in the church’s life.

3rd Step: Voting & Allocation of Funds

After the interviews are conducted, the board will meet to discuss any issues, vote on whether or not to support the church financially and determine the amount of support to send to the church plant if the proposal is accepted and voted on.

Funding Examples

Years 1 & 2
125K of full support to pay the church planter and cover the building rental/purchase cost and other expenses.
Year 3
Cut back support to 100k and allow the church to cover their bills through tithes and offerings.
Year 4
Cut back support to 75k
Year 5
Cut back support to 50k. At the end of the year, assess the church's ability to remain financially stable.
Years 1 & 2
$62,500.00 of support to pay the church planter and cover the building rental/purchase and other expenses.
Year 3
Cut back support to 50k and allow the church to cover their bills through tithes and offerings.
Year 4
Cut back support to $37,500.00
Year 5
Cut back support to 25k. At the end of the year, assess the church's ability to remain financially stable.
Years 1 & 2
$31,250.00 of support to pay the church planter and cover the building rental/purchase cost and other expenses.
Year 3
Cut back support to 25k and allow the church to cover their bills through tithes and offerings.
Year 4
Cut back support to $18,750.00
Year 3
Cut back support to $12,500.00. At the end of the year, assess the church's ability to remain financially stable.

Year 0: Church Planter Funding:

In the year before the gathering and constituting of the church plant, there is an option for an application of funds to assist in providing for the needs of the church planter in that interim period. This funding goes through the sending church before the church plant is constituted. The application process is the same, and the Church planter and sending church will need to provide quarterly reports describing the progress or setbacks in the church plant. The annual re-application process will decide a move to support a constituted church. (See below).

Annual application

Each year, a new funding application must be sent that includes updates on the church plant, the proposed budget for the year, and the progress of the work. A request for funds that accurately depicts the church’s needs after other support and local churches’ projected giving are considered must be included in the application.

Church Revitalization

While some places need a new church plant, others have a good church that needs some help. The 3535 Foundation wants to be a part of financially helping those churches when it is deemed wise to do so. This assistance could be to make up budgetary shortfalls, assist with building/renovation projects, or ministry outreaches.

The process for requesting funds must include:

  • A detailed plan and proposal regarding the need.
  • An exact amount for the request.
  • A copy of the church’s budget and explain why assistance is needed.
  • A copy of the business meeting minutes where the congregation voted on the plan/project/outreach.