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The Foundation’s Focus and 1689 Ecclesiology

The core mission of the 3535 Foundation is to promote and advance understanding of 1689 ecclesiology, a deliberate and focused endeavor centered on the intricate workings of church structure and governance.

But what does this mean? It delves into the intentional design of Christ in building His church, as emphasized in Matthew 16:18-19. The 1689 Confession Chapter 26 underscores this divine initiative by repeatedly stressing the necessity of aligning the local church with the “mind of Christ” (paragraphs 7, 8, and 15) and acknowledging the “power” of Christ in orchestrating His Church (positively in four instances, negatively in one). This intentional use of language by the authors and signatories of the London Baptist Confession underscores their deep conviction and willingness to prioritize biblical ecclesiology, even at personal cost, for the sake of honoring Christ and nurturing His beloved church.

The Foundation’s purpose extends beyond mere theoretical understanding; it seeks to empower 21st-century Reformed Baptist Churches to apply and build upon the timeless principles elucidated during the 17th-century ecclesiastical debates. This entails fostering a practical understanding of how the keys of faith and order, authority and rule, as outlined in LBCF 26.4, are interconnected with Christ’s authority in the calling, establishment, and governance of the church, manifesting in tangible expressions within local ministries and church planting endeavors.

Success for the Foundation is gauged by the ability of officers and members within congregations to expound upon the significance of the keys outlined in Matthew 16 and to articulate how these principles shape their approach to church life and expansion. Essentially, success is measured by the seamless integration of these foundational principles into the fabric of local church ministry, mirroring the dedicated efforts of the original writers and signatories of the 1689 Confession who tirelessly sought to align their ministries with the mind of Christ (LBCF 26.7, 8, 15).

For Christ and His Church,

Douglas VanderMeulen
President of 3535 Foundation

Author Douglas VanderMeulen

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