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Welcome to the distinguished pages of the 3535 Foundation Blog, where our primary mission resonates in the advancement of 1689 ecclesiology among Reformed Baptist Churches and beyond.

Let’s delve into two notable updates. Firstly, on April 22-23, the Foundation convened 11 Reformed Baptist pastors and scholars in the heart of Boston to formally introduce our initiatives for propelling 1689 ecclesiology forward. This gathering was a remarkable success, featuring presentations from our board members and engaging discussions with our esteemed guests. With providence on our side, we aspire to encapsulate the essence of these moments through video coverage of the presentations, which will be made available here.

Secondly, it is with great pleasure that we unveil our inaugural conference on 1689 ecclesiology, slated to unfold at Community Baptist Church in Fargo, North Dakota, from August 13 to 15. We are truly blessed to have Dr. Jim Renihan and Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn as our keynote speakers, both revered experts in the theological dialogues that surrounded birth of 1689 ecclesiology. This announcement carries profound significance as it delves into the very heart of our faith—the experience of the transformative power and divine authority of Christ as He tenderly constructs His Church, His beloved bride. We extend a warm invitation to pastors and laymen alike to join us for this inaugural conference, where teaching and fellowship await.

Stay tuned for forthcoming details and updates as we embark on this inspiring journey together.

Warm regards,

Douglas VanderMeulen
President of the 3535 Foundation

“I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:18-19

Author Douglas VanderMeulen

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